
Glass half full or half empty?

 From the last few days, I've seen people taking care of others, I've also seen people abandoning others because of the disease, I've seen people with belief, also seen people losing hope, I've seen people wearing masks and following precautions, I've also seen people who were spitting on the road, some are suffering from the disease and some are suffering from the "Actual disease" which is lack of humanity, knowledge and kindness. Many of us have spent the last few months sitting back, subject to a rollercoaster of information that has switched between supporting our hopes and occasionally verifying our fears.  There have also been several disappointments as the dates for the virus's extinction have passed us by—  summer, rainy and winter seasons — while the infection continues to spread. We straddle a dilemma between optimism and pessimism, trust and doubt, in the way we acquire information. Optimism refers to positive future expectations, whereas pe...

What steps to take during time of crisis?

The crisis is all we hearing right now through the news. There is good news, bad news, how to cope up with anxiety news, what to eat during COVID time news, where and how to get oxygen cylinders news, unavailability of beds in the hospital's news, how to work from home during lockdown news, this news, that news is what my mind is filled up with. The whole news thing mostly said, "This is a crisis like no other" and there is substantial uncertainty about its impact on peoples lives and livelihoods. The world is facing a crisis as a result of the pandemic or are we facing the pandemic as a result of the climate crisis? one way or the other, it is affecting all of us. What if the news before the crisis was about people planting more trees to get oxygen, what if the news was about how people opposed the destruction of forest and wildlife, what if the news headlines were "The usage of plastic decreased drastically", what if the news was about how workspaces have a b...

Are you competing in a race that is never designed for you?

We are going through a change. as we all continue to stay safe by spending the most time in our home, eco-friendly interiors should be a priority in these ever-changing times.  Most human beings don't like themselves because they don't accept themselves, we always compare, we are all different personalities, with different talents. But sometimes we are fighting for who we are trying to be like someone else. The best thing you can do is start being for yourself, if you love yourself then you can love others, if you are kind to yourself, you can be kind to others.  we are different types of persons with different talents, in the same way, places are different, their climatic conditions are different, their reaction towards a material might differ, just like everyone has a different destiny, every place has a different destiny.  if you needed different materials, you would have them on your land. you have exactly what you need. Treat your place as if it's you, love your plac...

Please make my day 1

 There is life-giving power in our thoughts. As humans, we discover a lot of things, we think a lot to find a solution and we over create a problem, so that we can solve it later.  Don't we? The discovery of materials is revolutionary. Our earth produces every material that we need, so we used every material and started to destruct the forces of human needs. That's how the material called "plastic "was created which could provide a substitute for ivory which was obtained through the slaughter of wild elephants. This discovery was supposed to help not only people but also the environment.  But the Unblemished optimism for plastic could not last. The ultimate symbol of plastic waste is the great pacific garbage patch," swirl of plastic garbage" Plastics are critical to modern raised the standard of living and made materials more readily available. We cannot be the solution if we keep ourselves out of the problem. we are the problem. Just think of how s...

Design for equality

What are you feeling right now? how will you feel if one day all of a sudden someone decides that a group of people are not allowed to access internet services and you are one in the group? How would it feel to be excluded?  Design is an important tool to create function and beauty, which greatly impacts people lives "All lives" but it is also a way which can uphold a persons dignity and their human rights. Design can inflict vulnerability on a group whose needs aren't considered.~sinead burke. There are different kinds of physical disabilities where Some elements of the physical functioning of a person, usually their agility, dexterity, or strength, are affected, meaning handicapped. Now you might think oh, I have seen a specialised design for them. Ramps, lifts, wheelchair accessible washrooms in every public space I go to! Didn't you? But what about the other people? did you know that the most common form of dwarfism, achondroplasia can occur to 1 in every 15000 bi...

Not just a pretty place

"Who is an interior designer? "Is what I googled before taking up this course. One of the answers said, " The one who makes a room look beautiful ". My purpose was to learn how to make a room look beautiful back then. Later, I realised there is more to it. A good design cannot be achieved by adding a nice colour, pretty decor, or a costly chandelier to a room. Just stay home. This is the message of an extraordinary era that we have heard countless times .our homes have always been the basis of our lives, but its importance has unexpectedly grown. as we flee to the protection they provide has never been more real. Home has always been the backdrop for many of the most important aspects of our lives but it is suddenly thrust into new roles – many of us have turned space into an office, school, playground,  We have finally realised the importance of the space we live in, the impact it has on us. In the same way, we should also realise the importance of designing it. ...

What questions you would ask about future?

We all live in a world created for human benefits by humans, a planned world that designs us as much as we design it. What is the way of life I would live in? Is the question I would ask  And would wish for the answer that I'm living a sustainable life.                What is Sustainability?  The ability to maintain our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs . So, ask the question are we going to live a sustainable life?  There are lots of things happening in the world right now like high  temperature extremes and heavy precipitation events are increasing, glaciers and snow cover are shrinking and sea ice is retreating. Seas are warming, rising, and becoming more acidic and flooding is become more frequent. After all this happening around do you think that there will be enough resources for the future generations?          You must have read all these qu...