Glass half full or half empty?

 From the last few days, I've seen people taking care of others, I've also seen people abandoning others because of the disease, I've seen people with belief, also seen people losing hope, I've seen people wearing masks and following precautions, I've also seen people who were spitting on the road, some are suffering from the disease and some are suffering from the "Actual disease" which is lack of humanity, knowledge and kindness. Many of us have spent the last few months sitting back, subject to a rollercoaster of information that has switched between supporting our hopes and occasionally verifying our fears.  There have also been several disappointments as the dates for the virus's extinction have passed us by—  summer, rainy and winter seasons — while the infection continues to spread. We straddle a dilemma between optimism and pessimism, trust and doubt, in the way we acquire information. Optimism refers to positive future expectations, whereas pe...

Are you competing in a race that is never designed for you?

We are going through a change. as we all continue to stay safe by spending the most time in our home, eco-friendly interiors should be a priority in these ever-changing times.

 Most human beings don't like themselves because they don't accept themselves, we always compare, we are all different personalities, with different talents. But sometimes we are fighting for who we are trying to be like someone else.

The best thing you can do is start being for yourself, if you love yourself then you can love others, if you are kind to yourself, you can be kind to others.

 we are different types of persons with different talents, in the same way, places are different, their climatic conditions are different, their reaction towards a material might differ, just like everyone has a different destiny, every place has a different destiny. 

if you needed different materials, you would have them on your land. you have exactly what you need.

Treat your place as if it's you, love your place as if you love yourself by using local materials only then you can love other places too for its uniqueness, be kind to your place just like your kind towards yourself. Everything starts within you. if you don't get along with you how can you get along with others? if you don't choose the materials that suit your place how can you expect the change?

Everything around us is changing, expanding, when we become unchanged using the same kind of materials, same kind of design as what others followed throughout an entire lifetime, it's a tragedy.

Using local materials is eco-friendly, using local plants is eco-friendly, using local artisans, believe it or not, is eco-friendly.

We need not be harsh on ourselves for not doing enough, we need not hate ourselves for not worrying about the climate, the time until now is vanished we cannot get that back, what you do from now is important. we should be ok to where we are while we are on the way to changing things.

The race of who would do it better is never designed for us the race of how to make things better is.

Comment your thoughts down below

Look out for more content about materials soon.






  1. Wow! It's always amazing to read your blog and learn to think differently.
    Thank you.

  2. The process you are interested and expressing is something more then words, I hope this will reach to the reders heart and let them realise what to be given more importance.

    All the best, liking forward with beautiful words.

  3. The process you are interested and expressing is something more then words, I hope this will reach to the reders heart and let them realise what to be given more importance.

    All the best, liking forward with beautiful words.


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