Glass half full or half empty?

 From the last few days, I've seen people taking care of others, I've also seen people abandoning others because of the disease, I've seen people with belief, also seen people losing hope, I've seen people wearing masks and following precautions, I've also seen people who were spitting on the road, some are suffering from the disease and some are suffering from the "Actual disease" which is lack of humanity, knowledge and kindness.

Many of us have spent the last few months sitting back, subject to a rollercoaster of information that has switched between supporting our hopes and occasionally verifying our fears.

 There have also been several disappointments as the dates for the virus's extinction have passed us by—  summer, rainy and winter seasons — while the infection continues to spread. We straddle a dilemma between optimism and pessimism, trust and doubt, in the way we acquire information. Optimism refers to positive future expectations, whereas pessimism refers to negative ones.

We are optimistic about ourselves, our family, our friends we are not optimistic about the guy sitting next to us, we are pessimistic about the fate of our fellow citizens and the fate of our country. For example, we are so sure that we did not get affected by the virus, but we are not so sure about the person sitting next to us, the doubts arise in our mind. Is he coughing? , Am I sitting too close to him? he must have been affected by the virus.

Now that you have understood the concept of optimism and pessimism, let's discuss facts


Who has caused climate change? your answer must be "The people", they are throwing waste out and polluting the land, they are the reason for landfills, they are using excessive plastic.
 we often answer as if we are not responsible for anything happening around us. Do you know why? 

It is because of private optimism which can also be called comparative optimism, who simply imagine that while others might be responsible for the problem they are not. when rules come with the exception, we think that these exceptions apply to us. That others might get sick they will not, others have polluted the area we did not.  When did I throw the plastic cup? just once or twice, look at them they have been throwing it for long. Didn't you just remember saying something like that?


Consider the following question: What evidence do I have to back up my prediction? Why do I predict there is no climate change? 
As optimists, our natural inclination is not to spend time on questions, we must also invest our time to think about these things and discuss ideas of how you can reduce pollution, how you can reduce the usage of resources like water, how we can reduce the usage of plastic.

Now, you are choosing to be cautiously optimistic that we can protect ourselves and others while bringing positivity and hope to our society.
We must dedicate our time to compare the risks and consequences of our behaviour without being drawn to pessimism or else we might suffer from the "Actual disease".

Do share your views in the comments 

