
Showing posts from March, 2021

Glass half full or half empty?

 From the last few days, I've seen people taking care of others, I've also seen people abandoning others because of the disease, I've seen people with belief, also seen people losing hope, I've seen people wearing masks and following precautions, I've also seen people who were spitting on the road, some are suffering from the disease and some are suffering from the "Actual disease" which is lack of humanity, knowledge and kindness. Many of us have spent the last few months sitting back, subject to a rollercoaster of information that has switched between supporting our hopes and occasionally verifying our fears.  There have also been several disappointments as the dates for the virus's extinction have passed us by—  summer, rainy and winter seasons — while the infection continues to spread. We straddle a dilemma between optimism and pessimism, trust and doubt, in the way we acquire information. Optimism refers to positive future expectations, whereas pe...

Please make my day 1

 There is life-giving power in our thoughts. As humans, we discover a lot of things, we think a lot to find a solution and we over create a problem, so that we can solve it later.  Don't we? The discovery of materials is revolutionary. Our earth produces every material that we need, so we used every material and started to destruct the forces of human needs. That's how the material called "plastic "was created which could provide a substitute for ivory which was obtained through the slaughter of wild elephants. This discovery was supposed to help not only people but also the environment.  But the Unblemished optimism for plastic could not last. The ultimate symbol of plastic waste is the great pacific garbage patch," swirl of plastic garbage" Plastics are critical to modern raised the standard of living and made materials more readily available. We cannot be the solution if we keep ourselves out of the problem. we are the problem. Just think of how s...