
Showing posts from February, 2021

Glass half full or half empty?

 From the last few days, I've seen people taking care of others, I've also seen people abandoning others because of the disease, I've seen people with belief, also seen people losing hope, I've seen people wearing masks and following precautions, I've also seen people who were spitting on the road, some are suffering from the disease and some are suffering from the "Actual disease" which is lack of humanity, knowledge and kindness. Many of us have spent the last few months sitting back, subject to a rollercoaster of information that has switched between supporting our hopes and occasionally verifying our fears.  There have also been several disappointments as the dates for the virus's extinction have passed us by—  summer, rainy and winter seasons — while the infection continues to spread. We straddle a dilemma between optimism and pessimism, trust and doubt, in the way we acquire information. Optimism refers to positive future expectations, whereas pe...

Design for equality

What are you feeling right now? how will you feel if one day all of a sudden someone decides that a group of people are not allowed to access internet services and you are one in the group? How would it feel to be excluded?  Design is an important tool to create function and beauty, which greatly impacts people lives "All lives" but it is also a way which can uphold a persons dignity and their human rights. Design can inflict vulnerability on a group whose needs aren't considered.~sinead burke. There are different kinds of physical disabilities where Some elements of the physical functioning of a person, usually their agility, dexterity, or strength, are affected, meaning handicapped. Now you might think oh, I have seen a specialised design for them. Ramps, lifts, wheelchair accessible washrooms in every public space I go to! Didn't you? But what about the other people? did you know that the most common form of dwarfism, achondroplasia can occur to 1 in every 15000 bi...